Comprehensive, sufficiently resourced, sustainable, and integrated system of statin type and dosage estimation

About one in three Canadians live with at least one major chronic disease and this proportion is expected to rise as the population ages and the risk factors for these diseases continue to climb . As the leading cause of death worldwide, chronic diseases were responsible for 41 million (68%) deaths in 2021.

Comprehensive, resourced

 and integrated

Statin Safe uses an innovative machine learning algorithm which uses obtains new data while maintaining existing data base in its training.
Statin Safe offers an integrated system that considers several individualized factors and drug characteristics in estimating optimal dosage
Statin Safe is equipped with latest international guidelines of treating chronic diseases

Use Statin Safe

 advantage at your medication and drug therapy to offer precise statin type and dosage therapies

Statin Therapy

Treatment of chronic illness comes in many forms including surgery, physical therapy, psychological therapy and radiotherapy. However, one of the most common treatment forms is the use of medication. Statin is the main part of all therapy plans and plays an important role in health of patiants.

Canadians’ health is effected

Long-term pharmacotherapy carries the risk of adverse drug reactions that account for an estimated 200,000 severe adverse drug reactions in Canada, killing between 10,000 to 22,000 Canadians, and costing the Canadian healthcare system between $13.7 and $17.7 billion.

Optimal Statin Dosing

Long-term pharmacotherapy is used increasingly to control symptoms and slow chronic disease progression. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of reliable information about optimum statin dosages for, and outcomes of, long-term treatment of chronic diseases.

Statin Safe fills this gap

We have identified a wide and unattended gap in optimal dosing and type selection of statin in treating chronic diseases. We have developed an artificially intelligent platform for drug dosage estimation for all chronic diseases

Quality is Ensured

Statin Safe uses the power of Artificial Intelligence through using unique machine learning algorithms to estimate optimal dosing in statin therapy of chronic diseases. Using the power AI, Statin Safe eliminates the aggressivity of current dosing guidelines. Our AI platform is always there to provide a complete and instant report on your patients.